2820 Midway Rd, Duluth, MN 55810
(218) 624-5512


Get in Touch!

Call us at 218-624-5512

Email: [email protected]

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us directly, or use the form to drop us a line. Also, if you’ve been to Grand View and would like to send us some feedback about your visit, please use the form to do so. We greatly appreciate the input of our customers.

Visit Us!

Grand View Grill & Bar
2820 Midway Rd
Duluth MN 55810

Send us a Message!

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Perfered Contact Method

Employment Opportunities

Applications for employment are available behind the bar at all times. You may also apply by downloading our job application below, then fill it out and either drop it off in the restaurant or mail it to us at 2820 Midway Road, Duluth, MN 55810.